Finally… A proven Step-By-Step System To End Negative Body Image And Finally Feeling Amazing While Reaching Your Goals


What if you could look in the mirror and really, truly love who you see? 

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  • A woman who has tried to change her body in the past from dieting, only to fail and never getting the results you’ve been dreaming of while feeling good about yourself

  • Struggling with a negative body image and accepting your body for a long time

  • Exhausted from struggling so badly with this, being so uncomfortable in your own skin, always feeling self conscious of yourself…

  • You have tried multiple diets in the past to change yourself, but instead of reaching your goals and staying there, you’ve never managed to maintain the weight loss and instead you’ve over time only added more weight and gotten an even worse relationship to your body…

  • You blame yourself, questioning your character, lack of willpower and your own capabilities to actually make it, and it hurts to not feel good enough

  • You feel so shameful that everyone can see how you’re struggling with your weight and your body, engaging in behaviors such as trying to dress to hide yourself and so on… 


  • I myself started from a very young age to not feel comfortable in my body due to being bullied for how I looked. 

  • In my teens and twenties I had a terrible relationship with my own body, never feeling good enough, “right”, so self conscious in social settings, I had fatphobia and shamed myself into depression for having the minimum level of body fat my body could function with and still it was never good enough… And I never felt comfortable being in a bikini, a fitted dress or even changing in front of other people, even though I was an athlete.

  • I always covered up my hip and butt area with a jacket or sweater, I always had a pillow in my lap when I sat on a couch to “hide the muffin top” not letting people see my absolutely normal belly…

  • And I would avoid going to the beach or going for a swim with my now husband and friends, due to having to show myself in a bikini…

Because of my experience I’ve had to educate myself and work really deep on solving my own issues, and I’ve now helped hundreds of other women doing the same. 

THEN I DISCOVERED…… that there was never anything wrong with my body in the first place…

As women we are from a very young age fooled by patriarchy and the toxic diet culture, that our worth is connected to how we look. 

Beauty ideals are promoted everywhere we see, and the bodily looks and way of being an attractive and successful woman that is presented as the ideal is SO narrow and unnatural that a mere 1% of the EARTH'S population actually could fit inside it…

And just think about this: 

Babies are completely IN their bodies. 

They aren’t worrying about how their belly pops out after a meal, they don’t know that there’s a “right” or “preferred” ideal the body should look like. 

They are 100% aligned and at home in their bodies. 

But at some point they get exposed to the toxic diet culture, that there is an ideal, a preferred way to look, and that being pretty and looking cute is cherished… 

And then they start to distance themselves from their bodies, and shift the focus from being IN their body to how they look and how they will be perceived by others… 

And all the negative issues and struggles with body image starts here.

For me, everything changed when I deeply realized I had been blindly led into this lie from before I was even old enough to consent into destructive and toxic ways of looking at my own body. 

My “ah-ha” moment made me realize that I am not my body. And no woman on this earth should be valued or defined as a human being according to an unnatural man-made ideal of how a woman's body “should” look....

There was a different way of moving forward and getting the body I dreamt of by taking exceptional good care of it, but it wouldn’t help to neglect it like skipping giving a plant nurturing conditions like water, soli and light to grow. 

The magic is in the shift where we nurture, support and love the plant and let it grow into being itself in full bloom. 

The same goes for your body, and this is the path to become the healthiest, most vibrant and vital version of you who you truly are. 

This is when I truly started turning every stone in personal development and growth to crack the code to break out of these old toxic conditionings following me all the way from my childhood. 

And step by step I got the pieces together to free myself from this dark and miserable relationship I had had with my body, and I was lucky enough to see the process I had gone through and recreate it to help other women as well. 


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  • You being comfortable in your own skin feeling at ease and happy with your own body every single day

  • Starting your day with gratitude and inner harmony, instead of feeling that every day is defined by how you look in the mirror in the morning, or the number on the scale that day

  • Having the mental space to focus on other joy-filled things in your everyday life, and finally getting rid of these exhausting and downright depressing thoughts that swirl through your head every single day…

  • Being free to wear what you want and love, not dressing to hide yourself…

  • Doing what you want to be doing and not getting held back by your own consciousness or negative feelings toward how your body will look while doing it…

  • Stopping worrying about what other people think of you or other people judging you

  • Loving yourself and your body into taking exceptionally good care of yourself, and feeling like you are living with the body of your dreams

This will literally change your whole life.

“I had a very distorted image of myself and I had reached a point where I was wondering what the meaning of my life was. 

Camilla lit a spark in me and she has made me feel feelings I have never felt before.  I have gained self-confidence and self-esteem. I dare to stand up for myself, dare to raise my voice to say what I mean. I make good choices for myself and it’s absolutely magical. I radiate, dare to straighten my back to look at myself as a beautiful 50-year-old who is good and beautiful both inside and out, with good attitudes and values.

I feel like I have gotten the most out of everything in this program, it has hit me straight home. Camilla is a fantastic person with a huge amount of knowledge in the field! “

  •  Heidi L


Return to Your Body
with Pleasure and Ease 

A self-paced DIY program for women who want to achieve freedom from the constant negative body focus, and finally experience being comfortable in their own skin.

“This is not just "another program", or "another restrictive and strict method", but something that will give you more quality of life and greater confidence in yourself.”

- Stina M.

“After working with Camilla, I have gotten a completely new view of myself and my body.”

- Rachel L.

“I feel like I have gotten the most out of everything in this program, it has hit me straight home.”

- Heidi S.

“If someone is like me, - someone who has tried "everything", then you can be sure that this is what you need, and afterwards you don't need to try anything else, because this works.” 

- Rachel L.


  • The start date of the program is October 7th 2024 

  • You get access to your own personal membership area where you’re program is available to you in a browser or via app.

  • You will consume the content through videos, audios, PDF's and journal prompts.

  • Each week a new module gets dropped, but you are free to pace yourself in your own tempo through this process. 

  • Each module consists of videos, less than an hour in total so it’s easy for you to watch and implement in an hectic everyday life, and there will be tasks to do, exercises to implement and journal prompts to ponder on as much as you please and find useful.


By the end of the process you will:

  • Get a completely different way of looking at and relation to your own body.

  • Showing up differently for yourself in your journey.

  • Once and for all managing to implement those healthy habits in a way that you love which fuels your process moving forward.

  • Have freedom from the negative body-focus and self consciousness, and finally be comfortable in your body and show up in your life as you please.


  • 2 live event tickets: 2 evenings Q&A. 

  • An online community with weekly follow up from Camilla for 8 weeks.

  • A 45 minutes 1:1 follow up and debrief session at the end of the 8 weeks for those who have completed the program.
  • 2 months of the membership and community From Pressure To Pleasure for FREE after The Homecoming container is closed.

All these bonuses will be gone after October 6th.



Introduction price: $499

(Full price: $799)




Two payment of $299 each

(A total of: $598)



What would it be worth to you to:

  • Stop having that constant mean voice in your head shaming yourself and your body every single day?

  • Stopping being uncomfortable looking at yourself in the mirror, on pictures, on screen…

  • Stopping shaming yourself to the point where you just feel like your body is unbearable to live with...

  • Stopping to have these thoughts about your body, your looks and that you should lose weight in your head every single day…

  • Stopping being held back by your body to do the things you want to be doing..

  • Stopping body-checking all the time both at home, with others and in public...

  • Finally being free to put on clothes to show up as YOU, not to hide yourself and your body, only feeling dissatisfied and that “it works for today”...

  • Finally being free to do the things you love doing, feeling comfortable in your body, free from the negative emotions and pain...

  • Finally becoming successful in those healthy habits, lifestyle and routines BECAUSE you want to take care of yourself...
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Now, you have a choice… You’re currently at a crossroad and depending on the path ahead you choose, your life will look very different in the options of a future.

Either you continue on the path you’re on, not joining this program and let me ask you: 

How will it be to live the next months, years or even decades struggling with these things, feeling like this with yourself and your body? 

How many more years shall this hold you back and weigh you down, keeping you from feeling amazing and showing up in life like you dream of?

OR, You can join this program now. 

Because you actually CAN have that sooner than you think, and your life can totally transform from it.

The choice is yours. 

And remember, this is the last time this program will be offered at this price, and in the future the bonuses won’t be available like they are now. 


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«If someone is like me, - someone who has tried "everything", then you can be sure that this is what you need, and afterwards you don't need to try anything else, because this works.» 

  • Rachel L.