My intentions for sharing these writings is to offer you a space for reflections and insights. Transformation and growth starts from within, with insights that sit in our minds and bodies. This catalysts our return to wholeness, a transformation from the inside out. 

The Unspoken Diet Trauma

binge eating diet dieting emotional eating negative body image overeating self loathing stress struggle trauma weight loss Apr 19, 2024

Hi love, 

Do you ever feel like it’s SO hard to start another diet? 

You don’t understand why you avoid it so much…because you know how badly you want to lose weight, right?

But for some reason it feels so hard to start doing what you know you should be doing. 

If this is you, it could be you are living with The Diet Trauma…

When someone experiences trauma, this leads to them disconnecting with themselves. 

It also affects the choices you make as well as your behavior in your everyday life. 


Many women start to feel extremely shameful because they are struggling with doing what they know they “should be doing”. 

  • “I should have handled this better.”

  • “I’m still stuck here... Why can’t I solve my food issues and lose this weight?”

  • “I should have been done losing weight by now.”

  • “I feel like a broken record, new year - same old story about wanting to lose weight…”

  • “I’ll skip the party this weekend… People can’t see me when I look like this…”

  • “I need to go to bed before my husband so he thinks I’m sleeping… I can’t stand the thought of him being close to me, seeing me naked or trying to be intimate…”

After decades of shaming your body, using extreme and fad diets plus exercise to lose weight, forcing your body to change shape or to compensate (read punishing yourself) for yesterday's binge - all of these leads to a disconnection between mind and body through: 


  • Losing the connection to your body’s signals not feeling if you have emotional cravings or physical cravings, as well as struggling to feel hunger or satiation.

  • Losing trust in your body - that it will signal what it needs and what is best for you

  • Disconnecting the body by using more time in your head thinking about your body and how it is or looks “wrong”, than being in your body and enjoying using it

The Diet Trauma is an unspoken trauma many women live with after years of shaming their own body, and thinking they need to change shape and lose weight.

You see, trauma isn’t limited to something big and very significant happening to you, like an accident or physical harm. 

It can also be a much smaller and subtle event triggering the trauma response.

Trauma is actually not the event itself, but the way your body and nervous system respond to that event.

If we are in a situation where we get overwhelmed to the point we can't handle it and we feel like we’re losing control - this can trigger a trauma response in our body.

And this is what often happens when someone is shaming themselves and their body into the extent that they turn to extreme diets to lose weight. 

Only to “fall off the wagon” and lose control around food going into a full blown binge…


When this happens you feel like you’re losing control…

And this is the exact thing that triggers the trauma response, leaving you in an emotional landscape of helplessness, low self worth, and disconnecting your body.

So if any of this resonated with you, I want you to know that it’s not your fault and that it’s nothing wrong with you. Your body and nervous system is doing exactly what it’s designed to do, and that is trying to keep you safe and ensuring your survival. 

And acknowledging that you might have some diet trauma keeping you stuck doesn’t mean you have to give up your goals of losing weight, feeling lighter, healthier and more vital in your body.

You’re allowed to have wishes and goals where you feel energized, self-confident, having vitality and freedom being in your body, and like your outside matches who you are on the inside. 

You don’t have to choose between focusing on your dieting and weight loss, or your health. It’s not either or - you can have both on the same journey moving forward.

But you need to do this in a very different way than you’ve tried in the past, breaking away from the incomplete and toxic methods of The Diet Culture.

And I
can help you. 

I've worked with hundreds of women, helping them to heal their Diet Trauma, and t his is deep work, combining different elements of healing, coaching, ongoing support and gentle and loving integration. 


We work on releasing and unlearning the binge eating behavior, the toxic learnings you have gotten from the Diet Industry about food, dieting, yourself and your body through years of dieting.

And when that happens, your body is actually
more able to release unwanted weight, shame, and guilt. Things get lighter and happier, and the healthy choices become a lot more natural and easy to make. 

If you want to learn more and see if this is for you, then book a free clarity call with me

So I encourage you to be brave and choose yourself, because you deserve to live with vitality, energy, a body and life you love - free from the pressure and struggle.

I'm your biggest fan and supporter and only one click away! 

With love and belief in everything that you are, 

Camilla x


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