My intentions for sharing these writings is to offer you a space for reflections and insights. Transformation and growth starts from within, with insights that sit in our minds and bodies. This catalysts our return to wholeness, a transformation from the inside out. 

This will make your blood boil!

binge eating diet dieting negative body image self loathing shame the diet culture the diet industry toxicity Apr 22, 2024


You have been misled into the biggest oppression in decades!

Big words to start with today, right? 

Well guess what? 

It’s needed! 

I’ve worked with COUNTLESS of women who are victims of The Diet Culture and patriarchal oppression! 

And one thing I’m left with is that it was never anything wrong with their body to begin with. 

But we need a paradigm change around how we look at the woman's body!!!

It breaks my heart every time I meet a woman who has felt wrong in her own body for as long as she can remember, knowing that it was never anything wrong to begin with - but this is the toxic oppression from society. 

And having me talking and writing about this, literally fills me with blind, white RAGE! 

I have two daughters on my own, and even though I try my very best to protect them and influence them in the best ways I can with all the knowledge I have, still - my 4 year old (!!!!!) suddenly came home from daycare and was ashamed of her belly after getting teased by some older kids… 

What. The. Actual. Fuck??? 

It’s easy going into thinking, “Oh, but that’s just kids… This is just a phase”, bla bla bla… 

But I really need to take my time here and explain why this is so messed up in its head, and stay with me here!  

Because if you’re reading this newsletter, and yourself have a daughter 

or family or girlfriends who also struggle with their body - you need to know this! 


You can actually be in the power to change the whole trajectory of someone's life!

As women, we are from a very young age conditioned into toxic and oppressive ways of:

  • Associating ourselves with our own body, focusing on how we look and are perceived, instead of BEING in the body.

  • Thinking about our body, and worrying about being and looking right or wrong…

  • Connecting our value as a human being to our body and our looks  (because of the constant feedback we receive from our surroundings). 


Sayings like: 

“Oh, how NICE you look, How PRETTY you are, How CUTE you are” and so on, makes young girls and young women connect their worth to how they look and fit into society's ideal of what a woman should look like. 

(Which by the way changes quite drastically every 5-10 years…) 


And just to point it out: 

This is a man made ideal that firstly has changed A LOT over the years, and secondly - less than 5 % of the world's population of women fit into this ideal of how a woman's body should preferably look.


And in all of this, we are fed lies about how we can change our looks and our bodies when we don’t fit into the current trend. 

Not only has it for decades been promoted shapewear, makeup, fillers, botox, cosmetic surgery and so on. 

But the Diet Industry has benefited greatly from us being mindfucked from before we were old enough to understand what’s going on, none of the less consent…

We have been fooled into believing that: 

  • The body and food needs to be controlled - if not your shape will spiral out of control…

  • Thin equals healthy

  • One meal can ruin everything

  • The calorie in versus calorie out equation has to be right


These are all suppressing and toxic ways to think about the body, but we take it as normal because we are indoctrinated from such a young age…


And when we start on a fad diet to lose weight - only to fail, then we believe that it’s our fault if we can’t stick to the diet:  

“It has to be ME who’s the problem”. 


And in the meantime, The Diet Industry earns BILLIONS of US dollars on the fact that you keep buying into the lie that it’s you who’s the problem here and you keep coming back for another solution, hoping that this time it will work for you and you’ll make it… 

For every round on a diet, and every time you fail, your self confidence and self worth gets stripped away. 

And you start losing trust in your body, the connection to your body’s signals, and the older you get the more time you spend thinking about the body and how it is wrong, how you’re uncomfortable or you do sooo much self loathing, instead of being FREE IN your body. 


I’m on my soul’s mission fighting the toxic oppression women suffer from, and I’m calling you in to help me in The Diet Riot! 

Do it for yourself, do it for your daughter, your mother, your sisters, your friends. 

Because you can pave the way in your circles and be an antidote in a sea of toxicity. 

But it all starts with you. 

And this doesn’t mean you have to give up your goals of losing weight, feeling lighter, healthier and more vital in your body.

You’re allowed to have wishes and goals where you feel energized, self-confident, having vitality and like your outside matches who you are on the inside. 

But this requires a completely different approach than diet and exercise.  

And this is why working on mindset and behavior change techniques, together with emotional conditioning is key to seeing the world differently, creating the changes you want in a healthy, free and sustainable way, and reaching your goals while taking out the Diet Culture’s trash once and for all!

If you’re ready to choose yourself and break free from everything that’s holding you back, then I’m here to help you! 


If you want to have a conversation about what’s the next step for you in your journey, please click here to book a free clarity call with me. 


I look forward to supporting you in your journey - a journey to liberty from everything that is not yours to carry, and everything that’s holding you back.

I’m cheering for you each and every step of the way! 


With love and belief in everything that you are,

Camilla, X 


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